Update - 1000 Albums in 1000 Days

This post was written in English (en_US).

Preview of visual site

Background from the previous post

I wrote a post, 1000 Albums in 1000 Days, that a started a challenge or an adventure to listen to 1000 albums in 1000 days. So far it's going well. I've discovered new music or music I've been slightly familiar with. It's been fun to travel back the decades and see what everyone has been listening. My music taste has been less stale than when I had started.

Posting on my blog

I haven't posted as much on what I've been listening to. I decided to create weekly post of the titles and artist of respective I've listened to. If there is an album I really enjoyed, I will make a dedicated post.

I built a microsite

I created a microsite on a subdomain on lifeofpablo.com. This microsite will display all the albums I've listened to, so far. I will update as I go or I will update when I do my weekly post.

The website is https://1k.lifeofpablo.com.

The site is relatively simple. It has the following:

  • Navigation Bar
  • Hero Image
  • Description
  • Album Grid (Responsive of course :D )
  • Footer

I will organize it by the decade to keep things manageable. This is how it is organized in the book.

It's just plain simple.

Docker and Github Actions

I will update it using github actions along with Dockr to recreate the site when I make changes.

Recomendations & Webmentions

As always, if any of you have any recommendations for music to listen to? Send them my way, I'd love to see what you all recommend!

Ways to contact me:

Last edited: 2024-02-24


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