Blog: September 2023

A Letter Regarding Budget Cuts at the University of Nebraska Kearney

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      A Letter Regarding Budget Cuts at the University of Nebraska Kearney    


      A shameful time at the University    


To: The University of Nebraska and the community

My name is Pablo Morales. I am writing my concerns regarding the immense budget cuts happening across the University of Nebraska system and specifically at my alma mater, the University of Nebraska at Kearney.

I ask Julie Shaffer-Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs ( and Jon Watts-Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance (, and Chancellor Douglas Kristenen ( to please help us find a solution to stop this massive budget cut. So many people's livelihoods are at stake which involve people's education, teaching positions, academic services, etc.






    My Letter to UNK and NU System  

This week I found out that the university "needs" to perform a $3 million budget cut at the University of Nebraska at Kearney (UNK). This is angering and saddening. This creates a huge hole on the UNK campus.         I graduated from the university in 2019. I graduated with a B.A. in Modern Languages. This hurts to hear that many programs such as the French program are being cut. The Modern Language Department was my home during my time at the University. It pushed me out of my comfort zone that led me to even great worldview experiences such as study abroad. The French program in Modern Languages helped prepare me to become a teacher and helped to interact with people of all backgrounds and cultures.

UNK needs to have a complete modern language department to prepare students in this globalized world. Learning a language isn't about learning simply a language. Languages expand a person's worldview. You learn culture, you learn experiences, you learn how different societies work. We can't have young people's viewpoints and perspectives stuck glued to the environment they are in. They need to branch out. Going to college is a place where people learn to build deeper connections with others. This includes people they interact with daily and people who are different from them culturally. The modern languages department is such a vital program.

What hurts more is the attack on the arts and humanities. The arts and humanities are important for a well rounded education. We need students to explore subjects outside of their majors. I learned a lot from the humanities and the arts.

I ask the University of Nebraska not to eliminate these programs. If the entire university system wants to retain more people in Nebraska, before entering, during college, and post college, we must allow these opportunities.

UNK is the only proper public university in Nebraska that geographically serves so many students in the western half of the state. UNK offers so many programs closer to home that many in years past had to attend schools further away from home to enter the programs needed.

I am proud to be a graduate of the University of Nebraska at Kearney. This saddens me to see UNK and the entire university system go through this dark time. Please reconsider all the damage that is to come. Every single higher position university administrator and faculty must fight for the interest of students - current and present.

Representatives of the Nebraska University system need to find and pressure funding from the state. The state has done so much damage from cutting budgets year after year. We must fight those who are against public education and higher education who put us in a chokehold.

We are currently facing so many attacks on public education and higher education from various places. The University of Nebraska system is no exception.

Pablo Morales

University of Nebraska at Kearney Graduate 2019  

Update - 1000 Albums in 1000 Days

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Preview of visual site

Background from the previous post

I wrote a post, 1000 Albums in 1000 Days, that a started a challenge or an adventure to listen to 1000 albums in 1000 days. So far it's going well. I've discovered new music or music I've been slightly familiar with. It's been fun to travel back the decades and see what everyone has been listening. My music taste has been less stale than when I had started.

Posting on my blog

I haven't posted as much on what I've been listening to. I decided to create weekly post of the titles and artist of respective I've listened to. If there is an album I really enjoyed, I will make a dedicated post.

I built a microsite

I created a microsite on a subdomain on This microsite will display all the albums I've listened to, so far. I will update as I go or I will update when I do my weekly post.

The website is

The site is relatively simple. It has the following:

  • Navigation Bar
  • Hero Image
  • Description
  • Album Grid (Responsive of course :D )
  • Footer

I will organize it by the decade to keep things manageable. This is how it is organized in the book.

It's just plain simple.

Docker and Github Actions

I will update it using github actions along with Dockr to recreate the site when I make changes.

Recomendations & Webmentions

As always, if any of you have any recommendations for music to listen to? Send them my way, I'd love to see what you all recommend!

Ways to contact me:

IndieWeb Carnival September 2023: My Kind of Weather

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This post is in reponse to Jeremy Cherfas' IndieWeb Carnival September 2023: My Kind of Weather .

Thank you for hosting this month's carnival!

Snow Weather Thought #034

Growing up in the Midwest I used to complain about the snow. Now that I am far from it, I do realize it's my kind of weather.

Appreciating the things taken for granted

Growing up in the Midwestern region of the United States (or commonly known as the Midwest) I was so used to irritable weather. What I mean by irritable weather was facing, "four seasons in one week." You're probably thinking the following: "How is this possible?" It simply does! If you know, you know. Here are a few examples (No particular order)

One day it can be a nice spring day with all the flowers blooming being happy as can be.

The following day you could wake up to find out that there is a blizzard in effect.

A few days, it could be scorching hot and wondering how we got here?

The last few days of the week, it could be a beautiful, soothing fall day and you forget about the weather tragedies of earlier of the week.

As chaotic as it sounds, I do miss it. I do miss sometimes not knowing if I will melt one day or be trapped in my home for many days at a time. My favorite is knowing if my home would fly away in a tornado. As silly and boring the topic of weather is, it is also a bonding activity with people who live in this region. It's almost a pastime knowing we could just die at any minute.

If I were to pick a favorite season, it would be winter. Are you in shock? Even I don't believe it. I do miss dressing up all nice for the winter. Who doesn't like wearing cute winter outfits. If were going to suffer in the cold we might as well look our best!

I moved to California to live in a different place and subconsciously to escape the cold. In Northern California it is generally just hot here all the time. I do miss having season changes. Geography and location tends to influence the type of weather or climate one lives in.

You can take the person out of the midwest but you can't take the Midwestern out of the person.

Also posted on IndieNews

Visiting the BuzzFeed Office

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Pablo in the Buzzfeed Office

Pablo at the Buzzfeed office.

One of my wishes came true!

I've been a huge fan of BuzzFeed for many years for as long as I can remember. I remember stumbling on BuzzFeed's home page in the late 2000s. I've taken many of their quizzes posted on the site. There are other things on the site beyond the quizzes. I was very fortunate this week to visit BuzzFeed/Complex's office this week. I was very fortunate to get a tour and check things out! Going there was a whole experience. I got to share this experience with people I know an love. You know that feeling you get when you're a little kid at the grocery store eagerly waiting to see if my parents would buy me any candy. That's what I was feeling. I'm pretty sure I cried a few tears of joy. The office had such a cool color scheme and it went well with everything around it. It seemed very organized. I got to see how the office works and what the type of mood exists. The space was a welcoming right when you walk into. I would say it is a pretty laid back office.It was everything I hoped and dreamed for. I was in heaven. I can't say too much more other than, one more thing checked off my, "places I wan't to see some day."

Album Listened - Sept 18

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Let's Get Away From It All - Patti Page

Let's Get Away From It All
Patti Page
  • A1 Autumn In Rome 3:06
  • A2 - Let’s Get Away From It All 1:59
  • A3 - Under Paris Skies 2:36
  • A4 - Basin Street Blues 2:16
  • A5 - Just A Little Bit South Of North Carolina 1:44
  • B1 - Route 66 2:02
  • B2 - Mississippi Mud 1:37
  • B3 - South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) 3:04
  • B4 - Way Down Yonder In New Orleans 1:30
  • B5 - The Whole World Is Singing My Song 1:35