Blog: 2014

Graduation around the corner!

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So it has been a while since I've posted. :(

Today it hit me that I only have three days of school left. Most of us would say, ""I cant wait to get out those doors forever!"" but I on the other hand, I am actually sad :( about leaving high school. There have been so many great memories that I will be glad to look back on. So i got my cap and gown this week. Can not wait to walk down the stage and get my diploma. There is a new stage in life ready for me. I am excited to go to college next year.

[caption id="""" align=""alignnone"" width=""263""] Cap and Gown[/caption]


The last day for seniors is on Tuesday. Then graduation is on May 18th

I got to make the best of it.

Happy Birthday! | Bonne Anniversaire!

This post was written in en

Today my sister turns sweet 16. It is pretty hard to believe that it was just yesterday that you were born. We have been through a lot. She has helped me through so much. She has kept me in line! I could not imagine what life would be without her. Like all siblings, we have our fights and disagreements. Sibling love! Enjoy the rest of the day.

En Français: Aujourd’hui ma sœur est devenue le 16 ans. Il est difficile qu'il était hier que tu étais née. Nous sommes passé par beaucoup des situations ensembles. Elle m'a aidé beaucoup. Je ne peux pas le imaginer la vie sans elle. Comme tout les frères et sœurs nous soutenons et luttons temps à temps. Bon Journée!!

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The importance of Involvement

This post was written in en

The most enjoyable things I have done in high school was being involved in activities. Being involved will be the most memorable thing a person will ever do. You meet a lot of people. People who are just like you that enjoy doing the same things as you.

....the beginning of the end

This post was written in en

"This week marks the beginning of the fourth quarter of my senior year. Well actually the last quarter of my high school career. I can not believe I have made it almost 4  years of High School. These next few months are going to be filled with emotion. Emotions that will not be able to explained.  Those friends that you have spent your whole life, will part ways but not the memories. . . ..I guess it is just life... What can we do?

For all of those graduating:

"Make the most out of the rest of the your senior year. You're only a senior once!"

I'll keep you guys updated on my the rest of my senior year!

P.S Want one of my senior pictures. let me know! I'll be Happy to share. Comment below




This post was written in en

"This last week at Hastings High School.....

The Student Council hosted the District 3 Student Council Convention. Much work was put into for a the success of the convention. Our theme was Oh the Places You'll Go! by Dr. Seuss. Many area schools came to our event. Adams Central, Loup City, GICC, Kearney High and many more.

We intertwined social media in our event. We used twitter to use the hashtag: #hastingsd3  

to share thoughts and capture unforgettable moments at D3 Convention.

Click the hashtag to see some pictures and posts on twitter #hastingsd3

Selfies were were very popular.

Credit to @ekerr11

This event took part on March 12th.


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