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The last 6 months or so, I've spent time with a person who is really special to me. Someone who has helped me learn so much about myself and has helped me learn so much of them. I have so many special memories. This person shared a lot of firsts with me. Being new to California is a new lifestyle to live. We did new activities that in a million years like trying new sports or going places that have been dreams in my head. All the fun times we had together. I've been very happy. I got to support them in so many ways. I really care for this person. They will always have a special place in my heart. I am a open minded person. I am will to try and do very questionable things. I'm no saint. They day you decided to go to the extreme and do this activity, it shattered my heart into a million pieces. I don't want you to go down this path. I'm always afraid, "This was one time only." could lead to more bad decisions. This bad decision crosses every boundary I stand for. I'm trying