Blog: international food festival

Enjoying different cultures

This post was written in en

In the United States we are exposed to many different cultures. Examples of different cultures are the hispanic culture, italian, french, etc. Especially here at UNK we are more exposed than ever to different cultures.

Today I want to talk about how people should be open minded and talk about how one should expose themselves too a different culture. Many of us who are small town people never really grew up with people of a different race or background. There is no harm in that. Once we all came to college we saw how diverse our world really is.. For me I've grown up in two cultures parallel to each other. I grew up in a very hispanic family while being born in to the American culture that I have known since the day I was born. So I could say that I am used to different cultures.

Through out our lives, we find people who are different from us in various ways. Different can mean being from another country. Being from a different country you have different aspects of the world. Being different is good. Those who are totally different from you are International Students.

I say one should befriend an international student. Help them out. It would mean the world to them. You thought you were scared when you went off to college, they are probably three timesĀ as scared since they are in a country that they have never been in before. They will be greatful when you do help them. I know if you ever need a favor from them, they will gladly go up and beyond to help you suceed if you need help from them. It does not hurt to hangout with them. They will learn so much just being around you. You will as well. It is a win-win situation. Take them out to lunch sometime so you get to know them. They will gladly prepare a meal for you sometime. You may not think about it now but they could be of future help when needing to get a job, if they are already in the workforce.


I love to learn about the other cultures. It fascinates me how different and similar cultures are. Me being the avid FOOD LOVER <3 I love to ""test"" new food for my belly to enjoy. I did not realize that I loved Japanese foodso much. I think that best part other than the insides is the seaweed to make some of them sushi entrees. NO one has anything to lose by opening themselves up to something different. You know what they say


I say go for it!

While you can enjoy a culture festival. Here at UNK we have many of these. The most recent one I went to was the Japanese Food Festival. I learned so much about theĀ Japanese culture. I got to see what their traditions truly embrace than just rely on stereotypes. I have made many Japanese friends as well. Being around theses students, you really get a one to one learning opportunity. It really teaches others not to be afraid and to always remember where one came from originally.

The food was great! Job well done to those in charge of the event. It was a one to remember. Who know it would of been Ā SO much fun to make Japanese food. I want more! Someone hook me up!!

Maybe I'll see you guys at the International Food Festival this Sunday!

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