Blog: France

3 mois jusqu'a mon voyage!

This post was written in en

Salut mes amis!

Au passé, j’ai écrit sur mon inscription dans un université en France. L’université que j’irais est l’Université de Strasbourg. Spécifiquement je prendrais des cours au l’Institut International des Etudes Français.


This post was written in en

"Dear Friends and family,

Today marks for an important announcement about my studies. Since many of you know, I have declared a French Education Major with an ESL endorsement very recently.  Everything is starting to look up. So time for the juicy part of my post. Hold on tight!

I would like to tell everyone that I will be studying abroad in France for this upcoming spring semester. Studying in France has been a dream that I have put on hold for quite some time. The desire to study in this country all began when I visited it over 3 years ago. That trip changed me greatly. This was the first time I had faced such culture.  Deep down, I knew deep down inside that this is where I would want to live for a portion of my life. Going there for 6 months will be the experience to see a new part of France that I have never been too. I will be at the Université de Strasbourg 'Institut International d'Etudes Françaises (IIEF UNISTRA).

Wanting to become French Teacher, this 6 month trip will greatly benefit me but most importantly, the influence I will have on my future students. I want to tell them what it is like living in another country. This trip will be a major milestone in my life as the want for has made me realize what I really want to do in my life. . As mentioned in a past post, I realized that teaching was actually my true calling. Je suis contente! Going through the process has been a lot of work. I am not even done yet, though! I still have to go to Chicago at some point in the semester to get my student visa. I will also get to see other parts of Europe! I am blessed to have such opportunity to explore outside of my comfort zone.

I only see good things happening. This is only the beginning. Again thank you for the support! I will keep you all updated!

Best Regards,

Pablo Morales"