Blog: Artist Dates

Reply to Artist Dates by Tracy Durnell

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In reply to Artist Dates by Tracy Durnell

I wrote a post on taking myself out on a date where I go do various activities by myself. This is something I don't do often and it seems important for self-care. I have a habit of staying at home and not venturing off as much as I used to. Not often do I get to enjoy myself out and about.

What is an Artist Date?

Tracy responded to my post and shared something really cool. She introduced to me the idea of Artist Dates. She provides some great insight on how she's done Artist Dates. First, I had no idea that Artist Dates were a thing. Secondly, have I been going on Artist Dates and not knowing it? I'm mind blown right now.

The idea is going somewhere inspiring or exciting on your own regularly once a week. This seems to be the general consensus based on what I read. I really enjoyed Tracy's approach on Artist Days as she "framed solo activities more as Adventure Days". Carpe that Diem! That is such a positive way of seeing them. I like adventure and it motivates me to just do them! Adventure Awaits!

I really love photography. It's a thrill! You know what isn't? Taking photos in my apartment. It isn't ideal and I have to go beyond the walls. I plan on continuing to improve my hobby. What better way than to walk around the streets of Sacramento or taking shots from a tall building in New York City to capture moments in time.

I like spontaneously getting tickets for events. Sometimes when a colleague at works offers tickets to a free game or show, I attempt to snag them to attend an event I normally wouldn't attend or forget that exists. Whether it's a soccer match or a broadway show, I know I'm happy. I'd probably not be doing anything anyways.

Not all Artist Dates need to be planned. Honestly some of the best ones I've done were unplanned. Simply get up and leave. I also need to find out what things are happening in my city. Planning ahead for one event would lead to me discovering more things about the city I live in.

I found this blog post from 2010 called, 101 Artist’s Date Ideas that has such a great list of Artist Dates that I could go on! I love how simple or complex the suggestions could be! The possibilities are endless.

A Few Stand Out to Me:

  • Spend some time outdoors with your journal, sketchbook, craft supplies, etc
  • Write a letter to your parents. Tell them what you are grateful to them for. Send it
  • Make a list of thirty things you’d like to do before your next birthday

2024 will be the year for Artist Dates and more time to appreciate myself and break out of my comfort cycle. I am looking to find more joy in my life. This will be the year to just do it!

For now, I'm back at my hometown in Nebraska, so I will see what Artist Date I can find. I will start in a familiar place. I have a bad habit of staying at home and not showing my face in public. On Monday, I will ride my longboard or go on a run, depending on the weather. Either way, Nebraska.

Tracy, a risograph printing class sounds so tight! Please share what you've created.