Blog: 2024

Liked: Finish Those Blog Drafts!

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Liked: Finish Those Blog Drafts! by Kelson Vibber image of keyboard

I have a bad habit of starting blog posts, getting 90% done, and then never finishing them. I’m trying to combat that by taking some advice I read* a while back:

Instead of saving a draft when you’re mostly done but not satisfied with the writing, schedule the post for a few days from now. If you really think of a way to make it better, you have time. If not, it was good enough and you actually got the piece out. I'm going to spend this weekend going through my drafts and just finish a bunch of them.

Many of us feel this way. It's even harder when it's been a while since I've touch some drafts. Some things seem out of context or the moment has passed.

This reminds me I need to setup the auto publish plugin for my website.

Google IT Support Certified

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Google IT Support

Today, after many months I finally received a Google IT Support Certificate. I am very happy. I learned so much from this course and revisited topics I knew already. I definitely picked up some new skills for my current role. The certificate had five courses ranging from basic networking to IT Security. I would say this was a well rounded course. It really put in perspective various aspects of an IT Support Professional. It was also a wake-up call! I have so much to learn still!!!

Being in this role, you could be a generalist or a specialist. This depends on the role one gets. In my role and working with a small team of IT professionals, I find myself being a generalist but also specialized in specific things.

I find it important is to keep learning in my career. I plan on taking more courses to get more certificates to gain more skills. I started a Google Cyber Security Course and a mathematics course. I'm going to try to balance three to five courses. I want to get in the routine of going back to school. I find this funny because I work at a school. By having this routine, I would like to start my Master's program this year.

I'm really excited for what's to come this year! It'll definitely be a year of learning.

Course Certificates Completed

  • System Administration and IT Infrastructure Services
  • The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking
  • IT Security: Defense against the digital dark arts
  • Technical Support Fundamentals
  • Operating Systems and You: Becoming a Power User

Skills I learned or reviewed

  • Gain skills required to succeed in an entry-level IT job
  • Learn to perform day-to-day IT support tasks including computer assembly, wireless networking, installing programs, and customer service
  • Learn how to provide end-to-end customer support, ranging from identifying problems to troubleshooting and debugging
  • Learn to use systems including Linux, Domain Name Systems, Command-Line Interface, and Binary Code

Happy New Year !

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Happy New Year

Happy New Years! Today is a new day in a new year! I've been hanging out with friends and keeping it low key. I enjoyed how this day has gone so far. I stayed up late and woke up late. It seemed like any normal day except it it's a holiday. I'm currently waiting at a train station to head home. Just a bit delayed but I will stay positive. It's too early to start being annoyed. Things happen and it's important I make it home safely.

I have to prepare for tommorow as I am going back to work since being off for two weeks. I'm ready to get back in the routine of things.

I'm really excited to start 2024 and see the great things that will happen.

Status: Train Delayed
Mood: Staying Positve

Summer 2016

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"Summer is the time where we actually get to relax and get away from our obligations for a short period of time. We travel, we work our butts off to have some financial gains and stability. What's that for a college kid? Summer is also a time to think ahead into the future while enjoying yourself. It is unfortunate that this this adventure is only temporary to help us get away. That being said, I am going to tell you about my summer adventures and what it entails. The summer is slowly slipping to the end...

Working is important to make money. That's exactly what I have done throughout the summer. For those who do not know, I work at McDonald's as a manager. It pays me well to let me go on adventures.  (More on that in a second.) Like any job, it has it's ups and downs. Honestly I am surprised that I have stayed as long as I have. 5 years strong! WOO! Its a job that has many benefits than just the paycheck.

So now you want to know what I actually did for fun? Alright! One thing at a time.

So my first adventure was hitting the upper west coast! It was the trip trio: three friends, three places! We went to started our trip off in Denver to catch a flight out of DEN towards Seattle. Seattle was such a beautiful city. Then we crossed into Canada where we spend a few days in Vancouver, BC. Canada was breath taking. I was glad to see Canada for the first time. It was exciting to see one of my friends leave the country for the first time ever! I got to speak a little French here and there.

Can always count on these guys to push me through anything! #summer #canada

A photo posted by Pablo Morales (@pmorales18) on

I went to Denver a second time recently to the Vans Warped Tour! This is my second year going to this I got to see some of my favorite bands this year! Many of you heard that Yellow Card is breaking up!! I about cried when I heard this. They have their  reasons and I respect them for that. They have had such an impact on me.

I got to hangout with friends all throughout. Frienships grew!

This is only a summary of my summer. Want to know? Just ask!

