Blog: October 2023

Los Angeles Sunset

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A beautiful sunset in Los Angeles.

Recent Trip

I recently went on a Trip to Los Angeles. I recorded this sunset on my Canon DM-GL2A using mini DV tapes. It was amazing to get a shot like this. I am really taking advantage of the camera I aquired. I have so much footage to upload. It takes time!


Yo Soy Hijo de Imigrantes

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Mis padres se sacrificaron tanto para que nosotros tengamos una buena vida. Los quiero tanto. No ha sido fácil navegar este mundo complejo.

Toda mi vida he sentido que estoy sobre una cuerda floja manteniendo mi identidad y navegando este mundo complejo. Tengo dos caras - mi cara mexicana y mi cara estadounidense.

Mis padres me enseñaron lo importante de ser bilingüe. Me enseñaron la importancia de no perder la lengua que ellos hablan. Me enseñaron la importancia de no olvidar mis raíces.

Hay tantas cosas que les quiero explicar pero no tengo manera de explicarlas. No hay palabras. Hay cosas que no saben de mí. Todavía tengo tantas preguntas.

Estoy orgulloso de ser hijo de inmigrantes mexicanos. Estoy feliz de aprender tantas cosas de usted.

Books I'm Reading at the Moment

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Learning to Read Books, again

Physical Reading is important

I've been relearning how to enjoy time for myself and with myself. Something I've been doing on my free time has been reading books. I'm always looking at a screen (such as the one I'm using to write this post) due to the world we live in and in my technology job. Whenever I can, I'm trying to not look at my phone as often. I started carrying a small tote bag with me everywhere with me. There is always a book in there. It feels great to disconnect and to immerse oneself in a book.

I think we all need to retrain to connnect with physical things. We're so connected to our devices. I feel so disconnected with technology around us.

I'd like to invite a few people to share their thoughts and what they are reading or planning on reading.

Climate Week NYC & Build a Website in an Hour

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Climate Week NYC & Build a Website in an Hour

Let's talk about climate change by building a Website.

Background Information

A few weeks ago I attended Climate Week NYC in New York City. It was such a great time listening to all the great talks and participating in different activities such as driving a Lucid electric car with my friends. It got to meet such amazing people (and networked) who are in the climate change space. It made me step back an realize how much time we have lost not fighting the environment and how we only have a limited time to speed up on our actions.

It was nice to be in a place full of public transportation and get my steps in. I was also wired on Matcha Lattes to keep up with the revolving door of events occuring all at once.

Getting Around to Building the Website

I've been meaning to build a website for a quick summary of my adventures in the city. I finally found the perfect day to do it. I finally was able attended a Build a Website in an Hour event. Thank you James G for hosting this event!

Just as the name of the event states, I built (most) of the website in an hour. It was fun and challenging because of the following:

  1. I didn't have a plan on how this site was going to look
  2. It was a challenge to get the site made in an hour. Talk about pressure
  3. I got to hangout with people in the IndieWeb.
  4. Show off the adventures I went on.

Where is this site located?

This website is located at .

Technologies Used

This website was made using vanilla HTML & CSS. I used Tachyions CSS Framework for the CSS. I use it on my website, primarily on my blog, to change the appearance of my posts. I like this CSS framework because is it doesn't interfere with existing CSS frameworks or existing CSS stylesheets. The classes are easy to learn

A Breakdown of the Site

Hero Banner

Hero Banner Green

A green hero banner with a navigation. It says "NYC Climate Week 2023" and "A Wakeup Call About Climate Change"

Other Sections Include:

  • Introduction
  • Attendees
  • Events Attended
  • Photos


This site supports webmentions!


I hope you enjoy the website! Let me know if you have any comments, questions or concerns. Don't forget to say, "hello"!

IndieWeb Carnival October 2023 - Self Care and Routine

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IndieWeb Carnival October 2023 - Self-Care and Routine

Taking Care of Yourself is Important

This month I am hosting this month's IndieWeb Carnival on self-care and routine. Anyone and everyone is welcome to participate in the carnival.

What is self-care ?

"a multidimensional, multifaceted process of purposeful engagement in strategies that promote healthy functioning and enhance well-being." [1]

"Self-care means taking care of yourself so that you can be healthy, you can be well, you can do your job, you can help and care for others, and you can do all the things you need to and want to accomplish in a day." [2]

There is no one size fits all model for everyone. People's backgrounds such as culture, spiritual beliefs, life experiences, etc influence how self-care is practices. It could also be proactive or reactive. There is no right or wrong way of doing this.

Self-Care in the Digital Age

We live in age where we are always connected online. This also adds complexities balancing our lives. Setting boundaries isn't just limited to people. Being always connected to the web is also taxing on our mental health.

How Am I performing Self-Care ?

Learning self-care has been something I've been working on a lot this year. It has been something I neglected for many, many years. It has helped me be more aligned and be more connected with myself. Finding a self-care routine isn't exactly a straight line to follow. I'm still finding ways to better improve my routine. It's been important to adjust as I go because it's a continious learning process. Some things worked a few months ago and now it isn't working as well before.

  • Setting boundaries with myself and people
  • Actually find time for myself and appreciate alone time.
  • Actually address insecurities
  • Excercise such as running or biking.
  • Disconnect from digital devices as needed
  • Picking up new hobbies such as hacky sack.

I invite you to write a post on self-care.

Here are some prompts to help you get started or to build off of this post.

  • What type of self-care routines do partake in?
  • What are some hard realizations once you started to take care of yourself?
  • How do you incorporate self-care in difficult times?
  • What has been your journey in reaching self-care and your routines.
  • How does your self-care routine differ during the week vs the weekend/going on holiday?
  • How do you take care of yourself.
  • Do you check in with yourself too make sure your self-care routine is keeping up with your needs?

I will create a roundup post on the 1 November 2023 on all the responses I recieve. I will post on Indieweb News

Send me your responses via:

If you would like to host a future monthly IndieWeb Carnival, please check out the details on the IndieWeb Wiki.

This post has been syndicated to IndieWeb News.