Notes: 2022


Millennial Conversations at a wedding:
Not having kids.


I love taking the train. I don’t have to travel to San Francisco or big city without having to worry about my car.


Tech life is fun.



La Banda 🎀πŸ₯ πŸ“Έ: Olympus Stylus Epic Zoom 80 🎞️: PERUTZ Prmera Color 100 35mm
Place: Salinas, California (36.675801, -121.65418)
Address: Salinas, CA 93901, 93902, 93905, 93906, 93907, 93912, and 93915.
La Banda 🎀πŸ₯

πŸ“Έ: Olympus Stylus Epic Zoom 80
🎞️: PERUTZ Prmera Color 100 35mm

Good Morning to me In Seoul.

view of seoul

Good Morning to me In Seoul.
Place: Seoul, Korea (37.51502, 127.01648)
Address: Seoul, South Korea

2nd place in AWS DeepRacing

AWS Deepracing 2nd place
I got 2nd place in Amazon Deepracing (AI and machine learning car racing)! AWS (Amazon Web Services) Summit was a great learning experience. I networked with a lot of people people who are passionate in what I do. I have so much to learn, still. I’m super happy.

California Living

Half Moon Bay

Grateful for growing up in Nebraska

Im also grateful for growing up in Nebraska. Moving on from NE to CA has been great but has its challenges which I embrace.


I always wondered what my life would have been if my parents hadn’t left the west coast?

song lyrics

Sick of being in my head and thinking about my fate


Apparently, Californians are intrigued when I tell them I’m from the town where Kool-Aid was invented.