Blog: 2024

Meeting at a Diner

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Pablo and James

James & Pablo at Pinecrest Diner in San Francisco.

I love meeting with friends at diners. This is especially true when I return to Nebraska. When I land, I'll go with the person who picked me up at the diner after midnight. Going to the diner is a fun adventure when it's snowing, raining, sunny, hot, chilly, or raining cats and dogs!

Diners are also places to meet people who have only met through a virtual medium such as video calls and online groups. Rarely do you meet people in real life (IRL) you get to converse weekly online.

A few weeks ago in July, I met with James G. We both actively participate in the IndieWeb. (You should check it out!) James is a coffee lover and also enjoys writing. He was telling me about a coffee mojito.

James mentioned a while ago that he was visiting San Francisco for work during Homebrew Website Club. I was very excited to get a coffee and walk around the city. San Francisco is one of my favorite cities

You're wondering, "So you two are getting coffee and talking? What 'bout the diner?" Originally, getting coffee and chatting was the original plan. Then, I remembered that James loves diners and this got my brain juices flowing! WE SHOULD GO TO THE DINER! This is not a drill! I love a good side trip to spice up the adventure. Food and coffee unite people.

I love food and getting caffeinated

Diners are lovely! James loves diners. I've never heard of someone loving diners as much as he does! It makes me very happy!

We decided to eat at a fine establishment called the Pinecrest Diner. This place is an institution in San Francisco! Imagine a traditional diner restaurant with yummy breakfast food but in SF! The food is so heavenly people wait in line. This place truly hits the spot. They make the food in front of you due to the openness of the space.

While eating, we caught up and we discussed various topics of interest. We discussed our visions for our respective personal websites, our current projects, Mozilla, and things to do in San Francisco such as checking out Noisebridge. I also recommended The Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment in Oakland. I enjoyed the discussions and ideas bounced off each other.

Thank you James for hanging out! I had a blast!

I hope to see James when I'm on his side of the water. Should I see you at IndieWebCamp San Francisco?

I'm moving to San Francisco

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Pablo in San Francisco

I am sharing that I am moving to San Francisco this week! I've accepted a new job out there and I'm so stoked! It still hasn't hit me that I'm moving to a different part of California.

My career path will be to continue working in IT but leaving education. Education will always have a special place in my heart. I'm excited about the new path for my career and acquiring some new skills! Being a nerd is fun!

San Francisco and the Bay Area are such places of beauty. I've dreamt of living in a city like this one since I was a kid. I've traveled and stayed in places throughout the world for extended periods but there's nothing like being in a place you'll be at for a long time.

Why San Francisco other than your new job, Pablo? Yes, thank you for asking! I'd love to answer your question!

Let me tell you that I'm curious and I like to wander off to other places. Wandering off to different parts of California is no exception. While living in Sacramento, I would hop on the train on holiday breaks and weekends to San Francisco. Who doesn't like taking a train? I have friends that I visit quite regularly. I know my way around the city. They would show me around but also I would go off on my adventure. Do you see a pattern here? I'm excited to see my friends who live down the street or across town. I won't need to travel two hours or more to get there.

I'll be close to outdoor adventures, go to my favorite hackerspace and more!

San Francisco is a place where I want to continue to flourish as an individual. I'm just getting started! It will grow my career, my lifestyle choices, my health, increased network opportunities, my love for technology, and my love for public transit. I've learned so much about myself being in the city. Now that I get to live there, I will continue to learn more! Don't forget about walking everywhere as well!

I'm excited to be working on some startup ideas in my downtime.

I can't wait for my friends, and family to visit me! San Francisco is easy to fly into! For my Nebraska people, Interstate 80 will take you to me! You can't miss it unless you drive into the bay. Isn't there a scene like this in The Office?

I still find it hard to believe that this guy from Hastings, Nebraska has made it to San Francisco! I'm going to be living in a major city! The initial idea of moving to California seemed out of this world! Moving to San Francisco takes the cake! I don't regret venturing out of Nebraska. I'm more happy than I've ever been. This is your sign to explore other parts as well. You won't regret it!

I'm sad I'm leaving Sacramento. It received me with open arms and I am extremely grateful for the people I have me. Every single one of you has had an impact on me.

To my friend on the other side of the country, I'll be waving while you drink some tea!

SF vs Sacramento

It's time to unpack boxes and enjoy the cooler weather(see picture above). Hooray!!

Por Primera Vez - Camilo

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Por Primera Vez album cover

I enjoy this song. It warms my heart so much as a hopeless romantic. Songs in Spanish are so much meaningful to me since it is my first language. There is a sense of passion and love that I can't explain.

Why I Attend Weekly IndieWeb Meetings

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Image without description A screenshot of Homebrew Website Club featuring David Shanske, Angelo Gladding, Tracy Durnell, Kevin Yank, and me!

Many dread attending video conferences due to their job or don't like it for some reason. I don't mind it for many reasons. Especially after the pandemic, the methods I use to interact with people have drastically changed.

Attending online meetings is fun for me especially if I enjoy attending meetings on topics I enjoy! Attending anything IndieWeb-related via Homebrew Website Club. Topics discussed are the IndieWeb technologies, technical solutions, receiving advice on building something, and more. Of course, the meetings are not always technical. One of my favorite things we do in Homebrew Website Club is showing off the changes we've done on our personal websites! I love it when someone shares that new feature on their site or that blog post that someone finally finished! It makes me happy that people are proud of their work!

We also share those articles we like or share that cool website with that cool font or the picture someone took today. The meetings are for everyone to share a topic that is interesting to them. The conversation possibilities are endless. I've received great advice from fellow IndieWeb members on how to do XYZ. I also love picking the brains of others on XYZ especially when it comes to my personal website. I am very grateful for this. Some days I don't participate as often but I'm always attentive to what I can learn from others.

I always look forward to events beyond Homebrew Website Club meetings! These are something to look forward to! These events usually have a specific goal or topic in mind. For example, I love attending writing meet-ups for dedicated writing time. It helps provide a dedicated time to write a blog post that's been marinating in my drafts for a while. Maybe you get the inspiration to write something completely new. I also enjoy the Build a Website in an Hour event to create a new page on your personal website or launch a completely new website. The event ideas are infinite! It'd be nice to see more variations on events. My goal is to host an event soon! Stay tuned!

Everyone and anyone is welcome to attend these online events. You don't need to be part of the IndieWeb. If you're curious about joining one of the events, just come hang out with us! You don't have to have a personal website or be tech-savy. We'd be happy to answer your questions! Attending these meetings is a great way to connect with people located on the other side of the world. Maybe you'll meet someone who lives in the same city as you?

This blog post has been posted on IndieNews

Recording Song Covers

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three friends hanging out Three friends hanging out

Back in Elementary, I was in this friend group who enjoyed music. This must have been in 2009? (That was a long time ago!) When you're a kid, you slowly discover music that you enjoy and not enjoy. What better way than to expose yourself to other individual's tastes in music? I would hang out with Abraham and Luke. I'd say, they influenced who I am as a person and the direction of my musical tastes.

Abraham grew up in Colombia and moved out to my hometown in Nebraska. Luke grew up in Hawaii and had moved to Nebraska a year before. Both Luke and Abraham played the guitar. I was super excited to have friends who had come from cool places!

I was the only one who didn't play the guitar, much less have a passion for playing an instrument. My friends at the time still took me in and accepted me into the group. It was super duper to watch live shows in my friend's basement. They used to play covers of Subline, Linkin Park, and Bullet for My Valentine.

At that time frame, I was very interested in photography and videography. I always carried my Sony Cyber-Shot with me because you never know when you would need to get that cool shot. You're probably thinking, "That's some lame point in shoot!" When your parents buy you a camera, you have to work with what you got! A camera is a camera!

Question time!

Can you guess which role did I play in my friend group? If you guessed the camera guy, you win a cookie! Do you like internet cookies? I don't know how to share a real cookie via the internet.

I would record their guitar sessions on my camera. It was a pretty cool experience getting blasted with hardcore metal while figuring out the best way of recording! I learned important fundamentals of video recording. I focused on stabilizing the camera, considering lighting, and audio clipping (which I had no control over). Not only was I enjoying myself but also I learned a lot.

One of my favorite memories when we weren't in Luke's basement was walking to get pizza. Living in a small town, things are relatively within walking distance.

As time went on friends came and went. We all went our different paths even though we lived in the same hometown for years. I am thankful to have hung with these guys for a few years. I hope these guys are happy and living fulfilling lives.

Here are a few videos that I recorded.

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