Blog: 2024


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Pablo eating Gunther's Ice Cream
Pablo eating Gunther's Ice Cream in Sacramento

Today is the 6th of May, and I turn 29 years old! Woo hoo! I've lived on this earth for 29 years. Time flies and I honestly didn't think I would have made it this far but here I am! That being said, I have officially entered my last year of my 20s. It’s a tad bitter sweet. but the positive overtakes the negative by a long shot. I reflect the growth I’ve had when I entered my 20s.

28 was a fun year of adventures and of learning. It was very fulfilling. I'm smiling as I think of the things I did this year. I would say 28 was a level up in all aspects. I felt more accomplished and I had an increased sense of self-direction.

  • Traveled with friends
  • Took myself on Artist Dates
  • Helped develop a game with Friends
  • Getting Google Certified in a few areas
  • Voted in my first California Primary
  • Sang in a few choir concerts

29 will be a great transition year into the next decade of my life. I’m still discovering who I am as an individual. I now know more about myself than ever. I feel a bit wiser. This has been a year of a lot of reflection.

There is so much to learn about this world and where I stand in it. I continue to learn from people around me and the things unknown to me. What does it mean to be a Mexican-American at 29 years of age?

A lot will happen this year. Many events this year will have an effect on me directly and indirectly. I am excited and terrified for what's to come. I will keep my head up and fight for the greater good. I've learned not to be anxious of things I can't control yet because they haven't happened yet. Being more in the present is key to the well being of myself.

I've made many mistakes in years past. that I don't want to replicate. There are things I am not proud of but I've come to terms of not living in the past. I don't allow myself to beat myself up as hard as I used to. There's no need spend energy on things that don't matter anymore.

Just learning to love myself this past year and I am continuing to work on myself. I'm in a better place now than when I had just turned 28. My mental health, my physical health, and emotional wellness are more in tune. Now that I've set the path, it's only up for these. I'm more balanced now.

On a positive note, I'm really excited to start school again. I really value learning and I have a desire to have a master's degree. Later this summer I'm also getting a promotion at work.

Some items I wish to accomplish (no particular order) at 29

Learn Chinese

I WILL join cross fit or attend exercise classes.

I would like to learn to dance.

Get the startup I'm working on off the ground.

Work on personal and work projects that have been on the back burner. I hope to reach these goals.

Join a LGBT sports league.

Get my financials in order. I should set up a will.

Go on a solo adventure far away from home.

Go on more hikes!

Looking Forward

There are so many positive things happening in my life. It's only up from here! I'm proud of who I'm becoming Here's to my 29th birthday and what's to come in the next 365 days around the sun!

First Episode of 'Person I've Become'

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cover of Person I've Become Pablo in NYC


I would like to share that I have posted the first episode of my new podcast, Person I've Become. My first episode, I interview Sammy Harper, an environmentalist and green tech lover on how he's got to this point in his life and the person he's become. It has been exciting to start this new podcasting adventure and I will post more episodes soon!

I hope you enjoy the first episode. Send me any comments or questions via email at I'm actively looking for guests for the podcast. I'd love to have you!

Here's a brief summary of the podcast.
Ever wonder how the person next door got to where they are? Each episode of The Person I've Become is an exploration of that very question. Host Pablo Morales sits down with everyday people as they navigate career changes, relationships, personal growth, and more. Join us for authentic conversations, raw emotions, and a deeper understanding of what it means to be The Person I've Become.

I'm excited for May!

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I'm really looking forward for the month of May! It will be a busy month but productive.

Here's what's happening.

I'm entering my final year of my 20's. I'm going to make this a memorable year ahead. There are steps I would like to take before I hit the big 3-0. I'm not scared to enter 30. I want to learn to embrace it.

I'm traveling to Germany this month for a green tech conference. I'm building a few arcade units to demo.

I'm hoping to start classes as I recently got accepted into a master's program. I really want to teach at the university level.

Work on personal and work projects that have been on the back burner. I hope to reach these goals.

Continue working on the startup I'm working on with Chris Wan. I'm hoping we can address few issues happening in education and to make learning more adaptable to all.

What are you excited for the month of May?

My Site Redesign is Good Enough - IndieWeb Carnival April 2024

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Pablo Morales

I recently redesigned my website and let me tell you, It was long overdue. The redesign was on my to do list from a long time a go. Things were a mess in the code. It's still a work in progress. I was using multiple style sheets (I'm still reducing this). I was using a theme I had modified and I was using Tachyons, a CSS framework. Having to add more CSS classes for specific purposes was getting overbearing. Sure my blog posts were getting pretty with various designs and looked a little nicer. I hate to say it, I was often more worried about what my website looked like instead of focusing more of the quality of my posts. An RSS reader simply pulls the content and none of the styling that comes with CSS classes.

I was starting to lose it. I simply needed to strip my website of any unnecessary CSS and classes. I was also limited on time so I couldn't commit to something from scratch. I found a simple CSS framework that provided me the bare minimum that made my website look very simple but more put together.

The name of the CSS framework is...wait for it... called, simple.css. It's a CSS framework that has no classes built in. Simply load this and boom! Your website is mostly organized without the "extra" stuff. It's super simple to override the CSS code to add something specific.

Using simple.css was good enough for me. Simply, it was a no brainer. It allowed me to address the issues, and it was good enough to implement. simple.css is simple and fast. At this time, I don't feel the need to commit to designing from scratch the CSS to make my site pretty. Going minimal is good enough for me.

This is why 'Good Enough' is enough to get things done.

This blog post is in response to Aaron's, known as RisingThumb, IndieWeb Carnival April 2024 post on good enough. Thank you for hosting this month's carnival. Everyone and anyone is welcome to host an IndieWeb Writing Carnival.

I got accepted to a master's program

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UNK logo

I'm really excited to share that I applied to the graduate program at the alma mater I graduated from at the University of Nebraska at Kearney. I applied for the Masters of Science in Education in Learning, Design & Technology with an Information Technology Concentration. I chose the IT concentration because, I work in IT where I would like to implement my knowledge at the school level. I'm not in the classroom as often anymore. It seemed more appropriate to go this route.

I'm really excited to go back to school! I've been itching for this for a while. Since, I still work in education, it seems appropriate to also continue my education and better improve my knowledge and skills in addition to what I do already with other forms of learning.

I also value education as well. I want to also have degrees beyond a bachelor's degree. My goal in the near but possibly distance future is to get a doctorate degree. Even with a master's degree, it's been a dream to teach a course or two at the university level. I would teach technology courses specifically for teachers to help eliminate barriers and increase technology literacy for teachers. I would also teach methods for teachers of all ages through scaffolding to embrace technology.

As a Latino, I find it important to help represent that we can succeed in higher education.

Time to register for classes!